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Interviews and Playlists 

Discover unpublished interviews with artists and personalities. Get inspired by their playlists and musical selection of the moment.

Découvrez la playlist de Maeva Fischer, une artiste pleines de surprises. Obladi vous devoile ses goûts musicaux du moment !
Ancre 1

Stories from life, family, friends, influences, travels, suffering, delusions or the greatest joys build a playlist.

Interview d'artsite playlist musicale / Julie Mamou Mani instagrameuse influenceuse
Femmes Silencieuses Thriller Kindle Couv
Interview d'artsite playlist musicale / Sylvie Hoarau chanteuse groupe Brigitte
Interview d'artsite playlist musicale / Bazbaz chanteur
Interview d'artsite playlist musicale / Doriand Chanteur
Interview d'artsite playlist musicale / Kee-yoon actrice
Interview d'artsite playlist musicale / Eric Jean Jean Animateur Radio
Interview d'artsite playlist musicale / Lola Dewaere actrice française
Interview d'artsite playlist musicale / Aurélie Saada chanteuse groupe brigitte
Capture d’écran 2021-03-14 à

Cliquez sur l'invité de votre choix pour découvrir sa Playlist 

Obladi! What's this?

Since its creation, Obladi has chosen its artists and personalities on a completely subjective basis. Whether they be singers, actors, actresses, presenters or influencers, the guests' personalities and likeability are essential criteria.


The playlsit interview is a great game that forces the guest to choose. Have you ever wondered what song would open a show dedicated to you? Spontaneously, what's the song you listen to the most, or the one you loved but can't stand anymore? Or simply the song you'll never be able to remove from your playlist. To choose is to give up. That's the Obladi playlist game. In fact, some artists have shared their musical choices with us at a particular moment in time. It will be fun to see their choices over time. It's obvious that a playlist is built and dismantled as life goes by, as discoveries are made and as trends and desires evolve.

From the song that will forever remain in the selection to the song that makes you cry, from the song that we assume despite everything to the song that we want to share with everyone, our guests all respond to a unique and adapted interview.

Interview de Doriand
Interview de Julie Mamou-Mani
Interview de  Bazbaz
Interview de Kee-Yoon
Interview de Auélie Saada
Interview de Sylvie Hoarau
Interview de  Eric Jean Jean
Interview de Lola Dewaere

You don't have to be a famous DJ to have a good playlist. Obladi artists or personalities all have a playlist worth checking out. Against the grain of their image as an artist or ultimately perfectly aligned with it? Discover here playlists told by our guests themselves.

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